When to use GGA’s service for debtor collections


When to use GGA’s service for debtor collections

GGA works with corporates and assists them in collecting their debtors from ageing buckets where there is a concern about overdue debtors OR a lack of focus from the sales and operations team – i.e. money in the 60 + bands and deductions by customers that have built up over a period of time.

Normally clients use GGA services when they have a large customer base, a high volume of invoicing and a small and lean sales team.

Other issues we help counter:
  • Cash stuck with customers > 60 days from due date due
  • Disputes raised by customers – Invoicing/Service/Commercial/Process
  • Time & resource constraints - Identification & closure of disputes
  • Focus on large value collections - Large customers/Current collections
  • Difficulty levels in collecting from customers – is it an issue of ability to pay v/s Intention to pay
  • Sales team relationships - Business v/s overdue collections
  • Attrition levels – both internally and at the customers' end
  • Time, process & patience to follow up with delinquent customers